we can't wait to hear from you!

The Patrick Conner Award Committee is pleased to announce a Call For Submissions for the 7th Annual Patrick Conner Award.
About the Award:
The Patrick Conner Award was established to celebrate the life and work of Patrick Conner (1964–2012) a Toronto-based actor and director, and a champion of ethical food systems.
This award recognizes someone who, like Patrick, works to change the world through their practice. The award comes with a cash prize of $3500.00.
Last year’s award recipient was Susanna Fournier. Our inaugural ticket recipient Mariah Horner.
Previous winners include Jennifer Dallas - Performer, Choreographer, Designer and Activist; Georgina Beatty - Producer, Director and Writer and Sarah Pittoello - Counsellor, Teacher and Organic farmer ; Aviva Armour-Ostroff – performer and community organizer and Kimberley Edwards community gardener and facilitator. Lea Ambros - Cook, Theatre Artist, Activist and Queer Mother, and Taarini Chopra - Bio Researcher, Publications Coordinator/Seeds Of Diversity. The inaugural award winners were James Davis - Founder of the Toronto Bicycle Music Festival, and Estelle Shook - Theatre Director and former Artistic Director of Caravan Farm Theatre.
This award recognizes a person who is passionate and dedicated to their practice and who is at a defining stage in their life where the award would make a significant impact.
Now What?
Nominate someone by doing the following:
Send us the name of your nominee
Maximum 500 word statement describing why you think this person should receive this award
One additional support letter
CV, resume or bio of the nominee (1 page maximum)
Contact information for the nominator
Nominations will be accepted by email only (PDF preferred, Word Doc acceptable) to pconaward@gmail.com. Any questions may also be directed to this email. Questions about support material for your application should be addressed the committee at pconaward@gmail.com Previous applicants are welcome to re-apply.
Nominations will be accepted until July 15, 2019. The nominator will be notified by August 1, 2019. The Recipient will be celebrated at The Theatre Centre in Toronto in September.
The 2019 Patrick Conner Award Committee is: Andrew Arnold, Franco Boni, Naomi Campbell, Michael Chipman, Derrick Chua, Allyson McMackon, Peter Mitchell, Robert Tsonos, Sarah Garton Stanley (Chair).